Pregnancy Care (Pre and Postpartum guide to a healthy pregnancy)
So you want to have a baby?
We advise that you should give yourself at least 3 months preparation before you start
Here are some of the tips and steps we advise:
Now that you have all this information, we can address any concerns that have come up.
We will use this information and help with the following:
What you can do?
Have fun with you partner! Go away together, book a holiday, enjoy quality time with one another and love one another. There is only a small window frame for pregnancy however the more you are intimate and happy with you partner, the higher your chances.
During Pregnancy
Depending on what stage of pregnancy you are at, we will determine the type of care.
First trimester
Second trimester
Third trimester
Women’s bodies have gone through a massive transformation for the past 9months and the delivery in most cases has been traumatic.
Repair and restoration of the body starts immediately after delivery and it may take one month to 3 months for the body to get back to a more comfortable pain free position.
To help with speedy recovery and aid the healing process Chiropractic/Acupuncture and massage can be performed.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy is safe, gentle and effective for both you and your unborn child.
If you have any questions regarding Treatment and care with pregnancy, please call the clinic and speak to one of our practitioners
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